ELA Blog Post for 29 October, 2017
These last few weeks, my ELA class worked on our Harvey Oral History Project. This project consisted on conducting various interviews to Houston residents about their experiences during Harvey, and then bringing those interviews and their messages together to create a multimedia presentation that gave meaning to our work. I faced a couple big challenges during this project and learned a lot from it. The first thing I had trouble with during this project was the interview itself. I came into it with just under 30 questions to ask my interviewee and a target time for the interview of one hour. As nervous as I was about the prospect of talking for an hour with someone I didn't know, I figured that just over two minutes per question was a pretty reasonable thing to expect, and especially considering that a lot of answers would be of above average length, I was convinced it would be a pretty straightforward affair and I had very little to worry about. I was very ...